Publications |
Publications ResourcesCSI PublicationsThe Journal of Counselor Leadership & Advocacy (JCLA)The Journal of Counselor Leadership & Advocacy (JCLA), a publication of Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Society International, provides professional counselors, counselor educators, and counseling students with research and evidence‐based recommendations in topics that promote scholarship, research, professionalism, leadership, advocacy, and excellence in counseling. The CSI ExemplarPublished three times per year, The CSI Exemplar is a flagship publication of Chi Sigma Iota. It includes feature articles on topics such as leadership, research, and clinical practice in counseling, and highlights the activities of CSI chapters and members. Additional Student Insights, Chapter Development Tips, and Advocacy Tips (pdf) are included on our website. The CSI Counselors' BookshelfThe Counselors’ Bookshelf publishes reviews of books, movies, TV shows, and music that CSI members have found useful in their work with clients. All published reviews are approved by the Counselors’ Bookshelf Senior Editor, a Section Editor, and members of the Editorial Review Board. Additional Publications Resources
Author Showcase
Welcome to the CSI Author Showcase!Many CSI members are authors of textbooks, workbooks, training tapes and CDs, and other non-journal print materials. This web site was created to highlight contributions to the profession by CSI authors and to provide members with resources to enhance their work as professional counselors. Although only CSI members may post their work, this site is open for review to any professional counselor in the United States and globally. New submissions for the Author Showcase are no longer being accepted. However, previous submissions still are available by entering the forum to view Author Showcase Reviews. CSI members who have authored publications may submit a review of their work to the CSI Counselors' Bookshelf (be sure to read the Counselors' Bookshelf Author Guidelines) for possible publication on the CSI website. View Clients Rights & Responsibilities This publication was jointly prepared by the National Board for Certified Counselors and Chi Sigma Iota to help clients understand and exercise their rights and responsibilities. NBCC and CSI believe clients who are informed are best able to use counseling services to meet their needs. Books and Professional Resources Endorsed By CSIProfessional Counseling Excellence through Leadership and Advocacy (Second Edition coming Fall 2021)Edited by CSI leaders Catherine Y. Chang, Casey A. Barrio Minton, Andrea L. Dixon, Jane E. Myers, and Thomas J. Sweeney. This book is intended as a resource for counseling students and educators to help incorporate leadership and advocacy training into the counseling curriculum, based on the new standards set forth by CACREP. It identifies the historical context of leadership and advocacy, provides a framework from which to understand these concepts, and provides concrete examples of leadership and advocacy happening in the field today. The chapter authors first consider the foundations of leadership in counseling, including the history of leadership in counseling and Chi Sigma Iota’s role over the past 25 years; the theoretical, philosophical, and research foundations of leadership; principles and competencies of counseling leadership necessary to leading well; and developing a personal style of leadership. The next section on the foundations of advocacy covers both professional and client advocacy, stressing the importance of both and their purposes, practice, competencies, training, and obstacles. Leadership and advocacy roles in counseling are then discussed, with authors describing the design of an effective counselor education curriculum, supervision of counselors, and leadership and advocacy practice in various counseling settings. Finally, the future directions for counseling leadership and advocacy are considered. Acknowledgments: This book is dedicated to the to the contributing authors, to those leaders and advocates who have paved the way for the future generation, and to the future generation of counseling professionals who will lead us into the possible future. We would also like to express our gratitude and appreciation to Caroline O’Hara, who served as managing editor for this project. Professional Counseling Excellence through Leadership and Advocacy (2011, October) is available from Routledge – 429 pages; Hardback: 9780415890724; e-Book: 978020382916. CSI members receive a 20% discount and free shipping. Professional Counseling Excellence through Leadership and Advocacy, has been selected by the ACES Awards Committee to be the recipient of the 2012 Publication in Counselor Education and Supervision Award. The Handbook of CounselingCSI is proud to endorse The Handbook of Counseling, edited by three of its distinguished scholars, Don C. Locke, Jane E. Myers, and Edwin H. Herr, with chapters by leaders and scholars in counseling. Reviewers have noted that it is comprehensive, thorough, and unique in its depth and breadth of coverage and suitable for students, counselor educators, and practitioners alike. Endorsed by CSI; all royalties accrue to CSI fellowships and special projects. The Handbook of Counseling is available from Sage Publications (ISBN #0-7619-1993-7) or call 1-800-818-7243 . Please check out the Counselor's Bookshelf for a review of the book by Kelly Wester. Leaders and Legacies: Contributions to the Profession of CounselingLeaders and Legacies: Contributions to the Profession of Counseling (2003, February) is a publication of Taylor and Francis/Brunner-Routledge (ISBN #0-415-94458-9). The book is edited by three counseling faculty members at Kent State University (John West, Cynthia Osborn, and Don Bubenzer) and has been endorsed by Chi Sigma Iota. Leaders and Legacies considers leadership involvements in the historical development of the profession of counseling as well as possibilities for the cultivation of leadership. The professional lives of 23 noteworthy individuals who have provided leadership to the profession of counseling (including CSI) are also chronicled, documenting their dreams, work, and accomplishments. John, Cynthia, and Don felt it was a wonderful opportunity to be able to work on this project. All royalties from book sales have been donated to CSI. Please check out the Counselor's Bookshelf for a review of this book by Drs. Sandy Magnuson and Ken Norum. Principle #1: Philosophy of LeadershipExemplary leaders recognize that service to others, the profession, and the associations are the preeminent reasons for involvement in leadership positions. Practice:Leaders recognize that service to others is a hallmark for effective leadership that requires:
Principle #2: Commitment to MissionExemplary leaders show evidence of a continuing awareness of and commitment to furthering the mission of their organization. Practice:Leaders maintain a continuing awareness of and dedication to enhancing the mission, strategic plan, bylaws, and policies of the organization throughout all leadership functions. They work individually and in teams to fulfill the objectives of the organization in service to others. Principle #3: Preservation of HistoryExemplary leaders respect and build upon the history of their organization. Practice:Leaders study the history of their organization through review of archival documents (e.g., minutes of meetings, policies) and other resources, and discussions with current and former leaders, and they act to build upon that history through informed decision making. Principle #4: Vision of the FutureExemplary leaders use their knowledge of the organization's history, mission, and commitment to excellence to encourage and create change appropriate to meeting future needs. Practice:Leaders draw upon the wisdom of the past and challenges of the future to articulate a vision of what can be accomplished through imagination, collaboration, cooperation, and creative use of resources. Principle #5: Long-Range PerspectiveExemplary leaders recognize that service includes both short- and long-range perspectives. Practice:Leaders act to impact the organization before the year of their primary office, during the year of their primary office, and beyond that year, as appropriate, to assure the ongoing success of the organization. Principle #6: Preservation of ResourcesExemplary leaders act to preserve the human and material resources of the organization. Practice:Leaders assure that policies and practices are in effect to assure financial responsibility and continuing respectful treatment of human and other material resources of the organization. Principle #7: Respect for MembershipExemplary leaders respect the needs, resources, and goals of their constituencies in all leadership decisions. Practice:Leaders are deliberate in making decisions that are respectful of the memberships' interests and enhance the benefits to them as active members in the organization. Principle #8: Mentoring, Encouragement, and EmpowermentExemplary leaders place a priority on mentoring, encouraging, and empowering others. Practice:Leaders assure that members are provided with opportunities to develop and apply their unique talents in service to others, the profession, and association. Principle #9: Recognition of OthersExemplary leaders assure that all who devote their time and talents in service to the mission of the organization receive appropriate recognition for their contributions. Practice:Leaders maintain records of service to the organization and provide for public recognition of service on an annual basis, minimally (e.g., letters of appreciation, certificates of appreciation). Principle #10: Feedback and Self-ReflectionExemplary leaders engage in self-reflection, obtain feedback on their performance in leadership roles from multiple sources, and take appropriate action to better serve the organization. Practice:Leaders seek feedback, for example, from members of their leadership team, personal and leadership mentors, and past leaders of the organization. Exemplary leaders experiencing significant life transitions or crises actively and regularly seek consultation from such mentors regarding their capacity to continue the work of the organization during such duress. Leaders take action congruent with that feedback, which reflects their commitment to these Principles and Practices of Leadership Excellence. Developed by the CSI Academy of Leaders for Excellence and approved by the CSI Executive Council for distribution to its members and chapters (1999). With permission from CSI, authors conducting research on the Principles and Practices of Leadership Excellence may include this document in their publication. When citing the document, please use the following citation: Chi Sigma Iota Academy of Leaders. (1999). Principles and practices of leadership excellence. Greensboro, NC: Author. Retrieved from With permission from CSI, authors conducting research on the Principles and Practices of Leadership Excellence Survey may use the following citation: Wahesh, E., & Myers, J. E. (2012). Principles and practices of leadership excellence survey (PPLES). Greensboro, NC: Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Academic & Professional Honor Society International. Retrieved from:,_Essay,_Papers,_Articles/PPLE_Study.pdf Since it was founded in 1985, Chi Sigma Iota has placed a priority on leadership in counseling, especially on the development of leaders for the counseling profession. This commitment to mentoring new leaders is reflected in our strategic plan and is integral to the development and maintenance of strong CSI chapters. Leadership ResourcesLeadership: A CSI Position PaperCSIs philosophy of leadership is explored in a position paper developed by Dr. Edwin Herr, Past-President and Distinguished Scholar. You may also read excellence papers from other CSI leaders. Principles and Practices of Leadership ExcellenceThe members of the CSI Academy of Leaders for Excellence developed our statement of leadership ethics, the Principles and Practices of Leadership Excellence. You may also view the Principles and Practices of Leadership Excellence Survey (2013). These materials were developed by Ed Wahesh, Leadership Intern, and Dr. Jane Myers, CSI Executive Director. The Principles and Practices of Leadership Excellence Survey is copyrighted by CSI and may be used only with permission from CSI Headquarters. Professional Counseling Excellence through Leadership and AdvocacyEdited by CSI leaders Catherine Y. Chang, Casey A. Barrio Minton, Andrea L. Dixon, Jane E. Myers, and Thomas J. Sweeney. Managing Editor, Caroline O’Hara. This book is intended as a resource for counseling students and educators to help incorporate leadership and advocacy training into the counseling curriculum, based on the new standards set forth by CACREP. It identifies the historical context of leadership and advocacy, provides a framework from which to understand these concepts, and provides concrete examples of leadership and advocacy happening in the field today. For ordering information, visit |